Widely known for her timeless street style and dreamy images from around the globe, Claire has grown a formidable and highly engaged audience over the years. Her timeless aesthetic puts a focus on mixing classic pieces with effortless aplomb and an impeccable attention to detail. With the success of her first elegantly polished design Claire Rose 01, when she brought her inspiration for a second capsule we happily replied "bien sûr!" The Claire Rose 02 silhouette is a perfect compliment to the chic, polished angles of her first style, and it adds an effortlessly cool feel to every outfit. Though her sunglass designs truly speaks for themselves, we sat down with Claire to gather a little behind-the-scenes insight and to speak about the different moods that have shaped her growing sunwear collection. 

Claire Rose 02

How would you describe your new 02 silhouette? 

The idea for this new silhouette came from the fact that my husband always forgets his sunglasses. I wanted to create a pair that would look good on both him and her, being inclusive of all the men that steal their wife’s sunnies! The new silhouette is more sophisticated for the independent woman that dresses effortlessly chic, and for all men. 

Why are sunglasses such an important part of your wardrobe? 

I never leave the house without sunnies. I think sunglasses say a lot about a person. To me, they’re a chef's kiss for every look!

Your first capsule style is known for being super chic and flattering on many different face shapes– in what ways is your new design different?

I think the new 02 silhouette is softer than my first shape— it’s totally effortless, more unisex, and very versatile. The idea for this silhouette was to create a pair that compliments my original bolder/edgier design. Some pieces in my new collection have a similar shade of frame and lens to my first capsule, but they feel completely different on your face. 

What different roles do each of your 2 silhouettes play in your sunglasses collection?

My first silhouette is very chic and feminine, while the new silhouette is more sophisticated and effortless. With both silhouettes in your collection, you can easily style them for all occasions.


What’s your favorite detail about this new silhouette?

I think the unisex silhouette is my favorite thing about these sunnies. They are perfect for both— I love that.

What is your advice for styling V2? 

I think the 02 is a great pair to style with an everyday look— it doesn’t need a lot. For example; jeans, a button-down shirt and a loafer. You can style them up, but also easily down. It’s a very versatile silhouette to mix & match with everyday looks.

Claire Rose 01

What inspired you to design sunglasses with APERÇU?

Ever since I was a kid, I have had an obsession with sunglasses. I visited an endless number of vintage markets around the world to collect unique pairs. For the longest time, I have been wanting to design my own and when I finally got the opportunity to design together with Aperçu, I knew exactly what I had in mind for my first design: an elevated rectangle and a shape that is versatile, in beautiful classic shades, that I personally have been searching for. The design of the sunglasses is a mix of all the sunglasses I own. Not too sharp and not too round. 

What role do sunglasses play in your wardrobe and styling each day?

Those who know me probably notice that I always have my sunglasses with me. Either on my head, in my hair, in my bag or hanging on my top. I don't leave the house without sunglasses! It's the finishing touch for every look.

How did your first sunnies silhouette come about? Tell us about your design process.

We worked so hard to get the 01 shape just right - it's feminine and masculine at the same. I've learned so much from this process; I never knew that so many tiny details can make such a big difference to the end result. The lens was one of the hardest aspects of the design process, because I wanted to have it just perfect.

Tell us about the color palette and any other details that have special significance for you. 

As the design of the 01 silhouette is very classic and timeless, I wanted to play around with the materials to make them a bit more playful. The colors are named after my favorite cities.


When/how did you get into the fashion industry?

Since I was very little, I’ve had issues with my hearing. That pressured me to express myself in creative ways and got me interested in the visual art of apparel curation. I always used to ask family members to take photos of my outfits, and it has always been my dream to become a fashion designer. I started doing courses at London College of Fashion and got intrigued by the marketing aspect of it all. I studied at the Amsterdam Fashion Institute and did an internship for a suit company in New York. Eventually I realized that I wanted to be self-employed. Ever since, I do what I do and I’m very grateful for being able to do what I enjoy most.

When/how did you get into the social media space?

I did a minor 'Inspiring Leadership' during my studies a few years ago and started posting my photos on Instagram, in a very low key setting. Back then, the OG girls mostly posted street style images. I think a lot of people were able to relate to my online aesthetic, and I started growing my following rapidly. I asked my best friend if I should give ‘full time’ social media a shot, and he convinced me to go for it.

Your personal style is incredibly chic and timeless. How did your aesthetic develop and what/who are your main influences?

I think my mom influenced me the most. Her style has always been the same over the years. When I started in my early twenties, I still wanted to try a lot of different styles. The pandemic made me put things in perspective and I came to the conclusion that less is more. Since then, I invest in timeless pieces that make me feel good.

 What do you feel are the fundamental ‘secrets of your success’ so far? 

I think my endless optimism brought me to where I am today. I never give up and I always think in solutions. Another key one is: don’t forget to enjoy your journey while chasing your goals.

What aspects of your career do you find most rewarding right now?

I enjoy co-design projects like this one a lot. Working from scratch; from ideas, designing, sourcing materials, shooting the product and eventually seeing my community enjoying the end result and styling it in their own way, this makes me feel so extremely proud!

What aspects do you find more challenging?

Being ‘on’ 24/7 – even when I’m not on my phone or behind my laptop. I always think about the need to be creative, especially when I'm exploring new places. I do manage this much better than I did before, though. I feel that I’ve now found a healthy balance between work and ‘off’ time.

What is it about the fashion industry and/or social media that motivates and excites you right now?

I always enjoy finding new upcoming designers, seeing their vision come to life in their collections, and seeing their brands amplified on social media.

Do you have any enduring mantras or ‘words to live by’ that you try to convey to your audience? 

Think in solutions - problems are there to be solved.

Is there anything professionally (or otherwise!) that you haven’t done yet and frankly it scares you a bit to give it a shot? 

There are so many things that I still want to try, both professionally and in my private life. I am always eager to learn. I am not scared of anything in particular. When I was younger, I used to be scared of public speaking, but practice makes perfect as they say. It gave me the biggest anxiety, but when I overcame my fear it was extremely rewarding and it gave me such a boost of energy.

What ‘must-have’ piece or products do you always travel with?

Sunglasses and lipstick, always.

What are you currently reading?

I just started '101 Essays That Will Change The Way You Think' - Brianna Wiest.

Lastly, do you have any advice for other female entrepreneurs? 

Never take 'no' for an answer. Work hard, stay true to yourself and never give up on your dreams : )  

March 13, 2024